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Helping Pregnant Women Find Great Prenatal Care

Maternal medical care dallas tx pregnant women

When you find out that you are pregnant, it changes your life in an instant. Starting this journey in a kind and supportive environment can be a significant advantage, and we are here for members of our community. Having a system in place to keep an eye on your physical and emotional health makes a huge difference in the experience, so we are proud to be a resource for pregnant women in North Texas.

Here at CeCe’s Place in Dallas, TX, we help pregnant women to find their way through delivery and beyond. Through a partnership with HHM Health, we provide comprehensive support, working to help women to receive the medical care that they need, as well as counseling and education resources. If you are starting your pregnancy journey and want to know more about CeCe’s Place, give us a call today to speak with a member of our team!

Our Team Is Here For Pregnant Women From The Start

Our maternal care clinic knows that health needs during pregnancy start early, and so it is important to take your milestone visits seriously from the very beginning. For some members of our community, finding access to medical care can be a difficulty. At CeCe’s Place, we are determined to address this concern head on by providing quality examinations and treatment for Dallas mothers-to-be.

If you think that you might be pregnant, come meet with our staff to find out for sure. At every appointment, we provide free pregnancy testing, so you have the opportunity to have this experience in a supportive environment. Once a pregnancy is confirmed, we can talk more about your options, including Medicaid signup. This process might feel a little overwhelming, but remember that we are here to help you to receive care during your pregnancy and through to delivery.

Continuing Care With Milestone Prenatal Visits

As a pregnant woman, there are certain milestone visits with your healthcare team to guide you toward a healthy delivery. These appointments have been designed by experts to track certain developmental milestones, making them an invaluable part of your journey. At each step of the way, you can speak with your doctor about your concerns; in turn, they can work with you to keep you on track.

Our clinic helps pregnant women to find access to milestone appointments by providing quality prenatal care. Every pregnancy is different, and every woman has their own needs, so tailored care with a trusted provider can be a truly beneficial resource.

Come See Us At CeCe’s Place

Speak with a member of our team to find out more about our maternal medical clinic and talk to us about your next steps Give us a call at CeCe’s Place in Dallas, TX at (214) 970-3335 today!