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Creating Opportunities With Our History As A Guide

our history dallas tx

For over 100 years, Hope Cottage has worked to help families in North Texas. Started as a children’s home in Dallas, this nonprofit organization has assisted countless families through adoption, foster care, and support. Our maternal health clinic expands on our history, helping Metroplex women to access vital services during pregnancy.

At CeCe’s Place in Dallas, TX, we understand the importance of maternal care for pregnant women, and we are determined to increase accessibility for local expecting mothers. Through a partnership with HHM Health, our maternal care clinic provides a range of services, including prenatal care, counseling, and more. To find out more about us, stop by our clinic or give us a call!

Our History Shapes Our Future At CeCe’s Place

The history of CeCe’s Place begins with Hope Cottage, a nonprofit organization in Dallas, TX that has over 100 years of experience helping families in North Texas. Hope Cottage started as a children’s home, and today, it helps to connect families through foster care and adoption.

When Hope Cottage discovered that a staggering 75% of mothers in their care were without access to the maternal care that they needed, they knew that it was time for a change. That has led to the creation of CeCe’s Place, a local Dallas maternal care clinic devoted to improving the accessibility of prenatal services, counseling and more.

Dallas Mothers Need More Support

Texas lags behind many other states in a variety of ways when taking care of its expecting mothers. In fact, an estimated 90% of maternal deaths here in our state may be preventable with the right care. Additionally, the risk for members in vulnerable communities is especially high, so we understand that improving access to care with this population is key.

Coming from a background in adoption and foster services, we find joy in bringing new life into the world, and prenatal care can make all the difference in reaching a healthy pregnancy. By expanding care through affordable prenatal services for North Texas women, we aim to make Dallas a safer place for expecting mothers.

A Partnership With HHM Health Through Hope Cottage

As a maternal clinic in East Dallas, CeCe’s Place is designed to help pregnant women to receive the affordable prenatal care that they need throughout their pregnancy. This is a big task, and it takes help from other resources in the area. Thankfully, the community in Dallas steps up when called, and due to the support of HHM Health, we have been able to develop a supportive environment where women can access the care that they need.

Find Out More Our History At CeCe’s Place

Our clinic is here to help Metroplex women find the resources they need during pregnancy. To learn more about our history here at Cece’s Place in Dallas, TX, reach our office at (214) 970-3335 or stop by our clinic on Mondays from 8:30am-3:00pm at:

609 Texas Street

Dallas, Texas 75204